Snapshot: Dance Performance Prepares For May Performance

By Treasure Brown and Rachel Duncan

Dancers practice partner work. Photo credit: Treasure Brown.

After a rainy trek to Seal Athletic Center on a recent Wednesday morning, we excitedly sat in on Upper School dance teacher Angie Muzzy’s E period Dance Performance class. The Freshmen dancers started class lying on the ground in a relaxing guided meditation with breathing exercises. During the exercises, they placed emphasis on the awareness of their bodies and surrounding space in order to feel connected to class and aligned with themselves. 

They then transitioned into partner work, doing an activity in which the dancers and their partners had to go from sitting to standing while keeping their backs together. This activity allowed them to practice supporting one another and working collaboratively, an important aspect of the dance they would be working on later in class. After this, they ended warm-up with partner and self-stretching to a soft, soothing soundtrack.

For the main portion of class, the dancers began learning and rehearsing their nature-based dance for the Upper School Dance Concert, which will take place on Saturday, May 4 in Oates Theater. The performance comprises ten dances: a combination of dances choreographed by Muzzy, guest artists, and Honors dancers. 

It is evident that Muzzy and the girls place emphasis on cleaning the dance while also enjoying the process. When asked what she liked about the dance, one student said, “I like running the dance because it is really upbeat and fun.” Another said, “I like that we get to put some of our own elements into it.” Muzzy added her own thoughts on the process, saying, “I’m always excited to build the dances with my students… l always have an idea but am never sure where the idea will go.”

We look forward to seeing the final product at the Dance Concert, and we hope to see everyone there!

About the author

Treasure Brown is a member of the class of 2024