OPINION: Marvel vs. DC


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Both Marvel and DC Comics characters. Photo credit: Birth Movies Death.

By Emily Merchant

When it comes to comics, or just superheroes in general, a question that is often raised is “Do you like Marvel or DC more?” or “Is Marvel better than DC?” But is there actually a correct answer to these questions? While there is clearly a superior choice, there are many different components that make up these two franchises. 

The number of films, and the amount of money, time, and energy, among other things, that have gone into each of these franchises vary. Is there a way to compare the details of the two objectively?

Let’s start with the history of the two companies. They formed around same time; however, DC was the first one created, and by 1938 had begun releasing the first of their Superman comics. It was another year before Marvel would publish their first comics. So for the historical aspect, DC wins.

The Flash, Green Arrow, and Super Girl from DC. Photo credit: Forbes.

Next is the number of films each of them has released, with DC having a total of 35 and Marvel a total of 24. However, this one is a bit debatable, because there are obviously movies in the process of being made, but DC seems to be leading here.

Yet which company makes more money at box office? Brandon Katz of Observer states that, “Marvel is the clear winner in terms of raw box office numbers, claiming nine of the ten highest-grossing films overall between the two studios.” So Marvel wins financially. 

The final comparison is between the casts of characters, and this seems to be where the majority of people’s views originate. People in the Collegiate community and beyond had plenty to share. Upper School English teacher Rachel Greene said, “I always found when I was younger that the Marvel superheroes were so much more human. I could see myself in them in a way, where the DC characters were impenetrable. Superman was always so perfect, and Batman had the kind of fortune that just makes his story totally inaccessible for a young child. Marvel superheroes have human problems and have problems that we all have, and they solve them in these fantastical ways. They become superheroes in spite of what they struggle with.”

Marvel super heroes. Photo credit: Marvel Studios.

Luke O’Neil, a senior at Bethel High School in Bethel, Connecticut, stated that “the Marvel universe is more diverse, including superheroes of all races and genders, and it’s only broadening from here.” Others, such as Upper School librarian and Collegiate archivist Benjamin Lamb, brought up the quality of the films, saying, “Marvel movies are, for the most part, clean, reliable, and narratively coherent. The DC movies are a little more idiosyncratic–darker, clunky, and imperfect.”

Everyone else I asked preferred Marvel over DC. Maddax Winston-Evans (‘22) said, “Definitely Marvel, because Batman vs. Superman was a decent movie. But… the Justice League movie was poorly made, and there’s only one of them.” Hayden Spelbring (‘21) explained, “Marvel is better, because Stan Lee made it, and he is a legend, and Batman is a loser.” 

After weighing the various factors, and hearing from the public, I think it’s pretty clear Marvel is the winner.

Featured image credit: Pinterest.

About the author

Emily is a person.